
Basic guidelines for composting

The composting area is at the far north of the garden on the edge of the woods. We’re trying to get more efficient about it and generally are aiming for ‘hot composting’ which requires quite a lot of carbon material and less nitrogen rich material. The ideal ratio is supposed to be 25:1, carbon to nitrogen.

In practice you don’t, obviously, need to be that mathematical. Carbon high stuff is cardboard, paper, dry leaves, twigs; less carbon high stuff is grass clippings, plants, leafy greens, coffee grounds etc.

The compost custodians, Ben and Bella, are in charge of the area and new signs will be placed soon to direct everyone where to place what! Feel free to email them with any questions you have, or ask them when you see them:

General rules…

  1. Put all compost stuff on the far right area, the open stall EXCEPT:

  2. Larger twigs, or branches, which go to the far left outside the stalls

  3. Please don't put in: ANY: plastic: (bags, plant pots, plant tags), receipts (all other uncoated paper is fine and encouraged but receipts are really toxic), large un-chopped up things.

  4. Things you can put in and might not think of, corrugated and other cardboard (uncoated, not shiny), corks (made of cork not plastic!), coffee grinds, tissues, paper towels, pizza boxes… shredded paper from your home is great.

That’s it really.

There is more info on the web about hot composting, feel free to dig into it!